What Is Advanced Mac Cleaner Command Line Name

Radmin and Advanced IP Scanner Radmin is one of the best remote control software for Windows, allowing you to work at a remote computer as if you were sitting right in front of it, using a standard graphical interface. Select the required computer from the results of. The command line is a text interface for your computer. It’s a program that takes in commands, which it passes on to the computer’s operating system to run. From the command line, you can navigate through files and folders on your computer, just as you would with Windows Explorer on Windows or Finder on Mac OS. This guide describes how to use CMD to remove the virus from a USB drive, SD card, pen drive, in fact, any drive on a Windows 10 computer. All command lines are.

  1. Advanced Mac Cleaner Uninstall
  2. What Is Advanced Mac Cleaner Command Line Name Change


A K1000 script that will SILENTLY install CCleaner, kill IEand FireFox, run in auto mode and uninstall. This is for 64 bit only.

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What Is Advanced Mac Cleaner Command Line Name

Advanced Mac Cleaner Uninstall

CCleaner Slim

What Is Advanced Mac Cleaner Command Line Name Change

https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds- download “CCleaner - Slim”

Let’s Begin

  1. Download CCleaner Slim from prerequisitessection.

    1. You will need to upload this file to the K1000when creating the script.

  2. Install CCleaner Slim on a test computer.

  3. Open CCleaner

  4. Under Cleaner customize what you want to cleanby unchecking items. Use at your discretion/needs.

    1. We uncheck recently typed urls for IE, emptyrecycle bin, clipboard and memory dumps.

  5. Close CCleaner

  6. Open command prompt and type in the following:

    1. cd

    2. cd program filesccleaner

    3. ccleaner.exe /EXPORT

  7. Open folder and navigate to the localdriveProgram FilesCCleaner

  8. You will need the 3 files named winapp, winreg,and winsys to upload to the K1000 when creating the script.

    1. Copy to flash drive or by any means etc...

Create the Script

  1. Login to your K1000.

  2. Click Scripting

  3. Click Choose Action – New.

  4. Name – CCleaner Install Run Remove.

  5. Click Enabled

  6. Select your 64 bit Operating System.

  7. Click Logged-in user radio button.

  8. Add Dependencies

    1. winapp.ini

    2. winreg.ini

    3. winsys.ini

    4. ccsetup525_slim.exe (name will change whenpiriform updates it).

  9. Click New Task

  10. Task 1

    1. On Success click add…

      1. Select run a batch file

      2. Name: Install CCleaner

      3. Enter in the following for the batch file (takenote if exe name changes):

        START /WAIT ccsetup525_slim.exe /S

        copy /Y winapp.ini 'C:Program FilesCCleaner'

        copy /Y winreg.ini 'C:Program FilesCCleaner'

        copy /Y winsys.ini 'C:Program FilesCCleaner'

      4. Check wait for completion

      5. Click save changes

    2. Click add…

      1. Select kill a process

      2. Name: iexplore.exe

      3. Click save changes

    3. Click add…

      1. Select kill a process

      2. Name: firefox.exe

      3. Click save changes

  11. Click New Task

  12. Task 2

    1. On Success click add…

      1. Select Launch a program

      2. Directory: “C:Program FilesCCleaner”

      3. File: ccleaner64.exe

      4. Check wait for completion

      5. Parameters: /AUTO

      6. Click save changes

  13. Click New Task

  14. Task 3

    1. On Success click add…

      1. Select Run a batch file

      2. Name: Uninstall CCleaner

      3. Enter in the following for the batch file:

        timeout /t 120 /nobreak

        'C:Program FilesCCleaneruninst' /S

      4. Check wait for completion

      5. Click save changes

  15. Click Save at the very bottom

Test the Script

  1. Navigate back to the script just created.

  2. Under devices: select 1 computer to test to makesure everything works.

    1. Visit a few webpages, leave IE open.

  3. Click Run Now

  4. Observe the test computer.


Piriform Command LineParameters

OceanCounty College Team
  • CCleaner
    • Advanced Usage
      • CCleaner .INI files

Normally, CCleaner stores its own settings in the Registry. If you want to manipulate these settings using scripting, you can tell CCleaner to store them in ccleaner.ini, which will be stored in CCleaner's program folder. To change how CCleaner stores its settings, see this topic.

The INI settings are as follows.

(App)Program NameThe program CCleaner will clean.True - Check box selected when you start CCleaner.
False - Check box cleared when you start CCleaner.
AutoCloseCloses CCleaner after cleaning.0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
BackupDirDefault path for Issues Registry backup.
BackupPromptPrompts user to back up Registry Issues before removal.0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
BrowserMonitoringWhether or not monitoring is active for browsers on the system (CCleaner Professional).

0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.

CookiesToSaveLists cookies user has selected to keep.
CustomFiles (Not longer used. See IncludeX)Lists files user has specified to include or exclude in Custom Files.
CustomFolders (Not longer used. See IncludeX)Lists folders user has specified to include or exclude in Custom Folders.
DefaultDetailedViewDetailed view pane for whole analysis or cleaning just after the operation is finished.

0 = Disabled.
1 = Enabled.

IncludeX (e.g. Include1, Include2)Custom files or folders the a user has specified to clean.[PATH|FILE]|Path|Filename
ExcludeX (e.g. Exclude1, Exclude2)Custom files or folders the a user has specified to exclude from all cleans.[REG|PATH|FILE]|Path|Filename
FinderIncludeX (e.g. FinderInclude1, FinderInclude2)Drives or folders CCleaner will use when searching for duplicate files.PATH|PATH|Filetype|[RECURSE]
FinderIncludeStatesWhether the checkboxes for folders referenced by FinderIncludeX above are initially checked or unchecked.

0 - Cleared
1 - Selected

For example, if there are three FinderIncludeX statements, you can specify their checked/cleared status using the pipe symbol:
FinderIncludeStates=1|0|1 would check the first and last items, and the middle one would be unchecked.

DelayTempIf enabled, CCleaner will only delete temporary Windows files older than 48 hours.0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
HideWarningsIf enabled, CCleaner displays no warnings when advanced items are selected in the rules tree.0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
LanguageThe language file installed with CCleaner.
IEDetailedIf enabled, CCleaner displays a detailed log of Internet Explorer temporary files.0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
FFDetailedIf enabled, CCleaner displays a detailed log of Firefox/Mozilla temporary files.0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
LanguageThe language file installed with CCleaner.
MinimizeSystemTrayIf enabled, CCleaner will be minimized to the system tray when the user clicks the Close button.0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
MSG_CONFIRMCLEANThe user is asked to confirm the Cleaning operation.True - the check box is selected when CCleaner starts.
False - the check box is cleared when CCleaner starts.
MSG_WARNMOZCACHEWhen the user selects Internet Cache in Mozilla Firefox to be cleaned, a warning message appears.True - the check box is selected when CCleaner starts.
False - the check box is cleared when CCleaner starts.
MSG_WARNCHROMECACHEWhen the user selects Internet Cache in Google Chrome to be cleaned, a warning message appears.True - the check box is selected when CCleaner starts.
False - the check box is cleared when CCleaner starts.
SystemMonitoringWhether or not monitoring is active for the system (CCleaner Professional).0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
SystemMonitoringSavingsActionIf system monitoring is active (see above), the default action used (CCleaner Professional).3 - prompt to clean.
4 - auto clean with notification.
5 - auto clean without notification.
UpdateCheckCCleaner checks for software updates every 10 minutes or when it starts.0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
SecureDeleteTypeIf enabled, CCleaner uses a secure deletion method (see below).0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
SecureDeleteMethodIf SecureDeleteType is set to 1, this setting determines which secure deletion method is used.0 - Simple Overwrite (1 pass)
1 - DOD 5220.22-M (3 passes)
2 - NSA (7 passes)
3 - Gutmann (35 passes)
UPDATEKEYThe date and time CCleaner last checked for an update.Do not modify.
WINDOW_HEIGHT, WINDOW_LEFT, WINDOW_MAX, WINDOW_TOP, WINDOW_WIDTHSettings representing CCleaner's window position.Do not modify.